Rules for Yic Yac Yoe

These are the official rules for the officially-developed yEAh Games Game, Yic Yac Yoe.

Imagem de capa

These are the official rules for the yEAh Games-developed game, Yic Yac Yoe.

Each player places down a mark (on the board with their writing utensil) on their turn. This will vary slightly depending on the version.
Contrary to the original game (Tic Tac Toe), the player loses when they place their marker on a spot that completes the (number decided for the length of a row)-long row (e.g., in a 3x3, the player loses when they place their marker to complete a 3-square-long row; the opposite of what happens in Tic Tac Toe.).

Other rules will apply depending on variations.

To play the game, you must choose one variation per category — any option can be combined with any option:
⠀⠀1 — Board size:
⠀⠀⠀ Variable to your choice; you can choose the numbers (x by x squares).
⠀⠀2 — Number of placements (markings) on your turn:
⠀⠀⠀ 1Default; can be played with custom markings, not just lines.
⠀⠀⠀ 2"Youbles"; is played with connecting lines.
⠀⠀⠀ 3"Yriples"; is played with connecting lines.


Type: Charge (Ammo)
Costs: 0
Gives: 1
Kills: Grenade
Killed By: <Weapon (Gun)>

Type: Defense I
Costs: 0
Killed By: Laser Gun, Weapon (Bomb)
Notes: You may only use Shield up to 10 times in a row.

Type: Weapon (Gun I)
Costs: 1
Kills: <Charge>, Grenade
Killed By: <Weapon (Bomb III+)>

Orange Juice (unactivated):
Type: Charge (Summon)
Costs: 0
Killed By: <Weapon>
Notes: If you survive this turn, you will be guaranteed survival next turn.You may not use this if you already have an Activated Orange Juice.

Orange Juice (activated):
Type: Defense II
Costs: NaN Kills: <Bomb II+>
Killed By:
Notes: The only way of getting an Activated Orange Juice is by using an Unactivated Orange Juice the prior turn.

Type: Weapon (Bomb II)
Costs: 2
Kills: <Charge (Summon)>, <Defense I>
Killed By: <Bomb II+>, <Charge (Ammo)>, <Weapon (Gun I+)>

Type: Charge (Ammo)
Costs: 3
Gives: 5
Kills: Grenade Killed By: <Weapon (Gun)>

Reinforced Shield:
Type: Defense II
Costs: 1
Killed By: Firework (blast)

Laser Gun:
Type: Weapon (Gun II)
Costs: 3
Kills: <Charge>, <Defense I>, Grenade
Killed By: <Weapon (Bomb III+)>

Type: Weapon (Gun 0)
Costs: 0
Kills: <Charge (Summon)>
Killed By:

Type: Weapon (Bomb X)
Costs: 10
Kills: <Everything>
Killed By: Orange Juice (activated)
Notes: Bazooka kills everything except for Activated Orange Juice.

Firework (launch):
Type: Charge (Summon)
Costs: 2
Killed By: <Weapon>
Notes: If you survive this turn, a Firework Blast will be active next turn.

Firework (blast):
Type: Weapon (Bomb I)
Costs: NaN Kills: <Defense I>, Reinforced Shield
Killed By:
Notes: Firework Blast does not belong to any player. Firework Blast is not considered a Weapon, but is still considered a Bomb.

Stun Gun:
Type: Weapon (Gun 0)
Costs: 4
Kills: <Charge (Ammo)>
Killed By:
Notes: If you have survived this turn, one player of your choice must Skip next turn.You may only play this if you have played Battery last turn.

Type: Charge (Summon)
Costs: 2
Killed By: <Weapon>
Notes: Your item this turn copies the item of the player on your left. Do not include cost.

Type: Charge
Costs: 4
Killed By: <Weapon (Gun I+)>
Notes: Revive one dead player if possible. That player starts with 0 ammo and cannot kill you.

Type: Charge
Costs: 0
Killed By: <Weapon>
Notes: If someone plays something they aren't able to or doesn't decide in time, their choice for this turn automatically becomes Skip.